Sunday, April 02, 2006

Back on track!

Yeah! After almost 1 week of adaptation to my new environment and working habit, i'm now officially back on track to do things I usually do, like blogging.
Things are doing fine here at my new job, the setback is i'm on a night shift and i'm not born to be a bat or an owl. Yeah, so i need to adapt to this working habit and make it full blast. The upside is, i am free to surf the net all i want, as long i don't have a pending job to do. I got new friends to, because we are stationed here at legarda place, a dormitory where students from the U-belt are residing. It's kinda fun, they are active and agressive, good for me because i'm friendly and approchable. Just two days of my stay here and i've already got a new friend. Actually two kolehiyalas (both nursing students), i don't know if i just look so awfull because my eyes looks so sleepy, gave me a donut and said "kuya kawawa ka naman, di ka pa yata natutulog, kain ka muna" aww so sweeet!
Yeah! I know that i'm not so handsome, but hey i'm friendly enough to have a friend for just 2 days and i'm loving it.
Well, until next time guys, i going to share to you my experience here whether good or bad! Chao! baby!

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